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1 #1. Make money: 赚钱 #2. Use the money to make more money: 用赚来的钱赚更多的钱 #3. Repeat: 重复1和2 Virtuous cycle: 良性循环 2 Work until your bank account looks like a phone number: 工作,直到你的银行存款看上去像电话号码 Especially a Chinese cell phone number: 最好是中国的手机号码 It has 11 digits: 因为有11 位数! 形容有钱,还常用 fat: 3 Think like a billionaire, hustle like you're broke: 富人的思维方式,穷人的工作态度 Billionaire: 亿万富翁 Broke: 破产、没钱 注意哦,说到“没钱”,不是broken,是broke。比如“2 Broke Girls” 什么是 hustle?


比如温州商人就很会hustle. 4 电影Wolf of Wall Street 《华尔街之狼》的台词: Money is the oxygen of capitalism and I wanna breathe more than any man alive:钱是资本主义的氧气,我要比世界上任何人都吸得更多! 5 股神来啦! If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die: 如果你睡觉的时候想不出赚钱的方法,那醒着的时候就会一辈子打工 Warren Buffetis like the God of wealth: 巴菲特就像美国的财神 美国人不叫他“stock market God"(股神), 而叫他: The Oracle of Omaha: 奥马哈的先知 Omaha是巴菲特的家乡 Value investing: 价值投资 6 Be fearful when others are greedyand be greedy when others are fearful: 人人大胆的时候,你要谨慎;人人谨慎的时候,你要大胆 The market is overheated: 市场过热 美国理财专家的金句 图中的Dave Ramsey是美国著名的理财专家,专给老百姓提供接地气的理财建议;而且金句百出。 7 You've got totell your money what to do or it will leave: 你得告诉自己的钱要做什么,不然它会离开你 钱贬值,怎么说? 书面: 口语: 8 Stop buying things you don't need toimpresspeople you don't even like: 别买你不需要的东西,给你根本不喜欢的人看 这句话来自女版Dave Ramsey⬇️ Suze Orman 英语俗话说: 9 最快让资产翻倍的方式是...... The quickest way to double your moneyis to fold it overand put it backin your pocket: 最快让资产翻倍的方法是把钱对折,然后放回口袋 Tongue-in-cheek: 俏皮、幽默 10 脱口秀女王奥普拉说的好 What you want is money and meaning: 要追求钱和意义 You want your work to be meaningful, because meaning is what brings the realrichness to your life:有意义的工作,才会给人生带来真正丰盛的财富 最后送大家非常简单 却极富真理的三句话 Work hard. Stay humble. Dream big. 努力工作、谦虚待人、怀抱梦想 责任编辑:
